Gosh - life seems to be moving a million miles an hour around these parts, and amidst all of the craziness blogging has kind of taken a backseat. Anyways, we were lucky enough to get a visit from Grandma Bernard during Thanksgiving and I wanted to finally post about what a great time we all had!
Grandma Bernard arrived on Wednesday afternoon and Truman immediately recognized her, yelling "Bwah!" (that's what he calls her) and reaching in for a hug and a snuggle (I wish I had a picture or video of this moment because it was super adorable, but unfortunately I don't!). After saying hello, Truman went down for a nap. Upon waking, it was time for more cuddles and fun with Grandma B! (I told you all how much more social our little guy is becoming - he loves hugs, kisses, and snuggles :-)

The rest of Wednesday was pretty much spent snuggling and playing - it was kind of a perfect day! Thursday morning we all woke up early so we could head down to a local park where I had signed up to run in a Turkey Trot (which is just a 5K race run on Thanksgiving morning). It was super fun to have the family there to cheer me on in my first race!

Then we went home and had our traditional Thanksgiving meal. Again, we kind of forgot to take pictures of the event, but snapped a quick one of Truman eating (though you can't tell what he's eating, oh well!). Truman ended up loving everything (turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes), though the turkey was probably his favorite part of the meal:

On our final day we did some quick shopping (the stores were surprisingly uncrowded) and then just hungout at the house. All in all, it was pretty perfect! Last year we all got sick with a stomach bug and hardly even saw each other during the visit, so this year was about 1000times better!

Hope everyone had as great a holiday as we did! This year, we are thankful for family and good health!!!