Two weekends ago our little family of 3 traveled up to Virginia Beach for a few days. While the main purpose of the trip was to allow me to run my first Half Marathon (woohoo!) we also had fun exploring the city. We arrived Friday night and Truman was immediately loving the hotel. More specifically, he loved the hallways of the hotel. He had so much fun running back and forth down the long hallways. It was hard to get good pictures (because he is so very fast) but here are a couple of cute ones:

Saturday was spent at the local aquarium. Shea and I absolutely love aquariums, so whenever we are visiting a town that has one we make it a point to go. Hopefully we can pass this love of all things aquatic to Truman! He seemed to enjoy our visit to the aquarium this day - he especially liked the shark tank:

Eventually, he got pretty tired out, and after some rocking from Daddy he was able to take a nap while we continued touring the place:

After finishing up at the aquarium we headed back to our hotel and spent the rest of Saturday enjoying the beach and resting up for the run. Here's the view from our hotel room (not too shabby, right?):

As mentioned above, we made this trip so I could run in my first Half Marathon, a goal I've been working at for about 4 months now. Long story short, everything went great! We woke up bright and early race day (after Truman slept soundly all night - thanks, sweetie!) and headed down to the race. Here I am right before leaving the hotel - can you tell I'm nervous?

Shea and Truman then drove me closer to the race's start - our hotel was about a mile and half from the start and I didn't really want to walk that far before running my 13.1 miles. We ended up not being able to get that close so I probably walked about a mile to the start, but I still appreciated the lift! As I said, the race went great. I was able to run the whole thing and was so happy to see my boys waiting for me at the finish (even though Truman had fallen asleep and missed the grand finale ;-)

After the race we headed back to the hotel so I could soak my legs in a cold bath and grab some food - running that far will make you really hungry! After Truman woke up from his nap we spent the day hanging out and just enjoying the beach. While we thought about leaving Sunday after the race, we ended up spending the night and leaving Monday. I was just way too tired and sore to even think about getting in a car for 4 and 1/2 hours on Sunday. All in all, it was a fabulous trip!