Then we had to stuff it into our bag (no easy feat, we might add!) Here's the final product of our efforts
We sent it to WACAP and they'll mail it over to Ethiopia for us. Hopefully it will help Truman get the slightest sense of his soon to be parents!
In other related news, we got an unexpected update concerning Truman's growth - he has gained 1/2 a pound in the last 2 weeks. Yay! This made us very happy to know that our little boy is growing big and strong! It also made us a little sad to know he is growing up without us, but we know we will be there with him soon. We're still waiting on additional pictures of him (we still only have the one referral photo, though it is the best picture we have ever seen of anyone ever!). We're just trying to hang in and anxiously awaiting news of our travel dates. Hopefully, pretty soon we'll have more information to update you with!
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