Because Truman has now been home for 6 months (can you believe it??) and we have completed our first 2 post-placements, we can now readopt him if we choose. We kind of went back and forth about it, but after weighing the pros and cons we decided that we will complete the process (because we were at the court hearing in Ethiopia, as soon as Truman stepped foot in the States he became a US citizen, so we are not obligated to readopt him, though it will give us the opportunity to get him a US birth certificate which will make his life easier in the long rum - also, we'll be able to legally change his name to Truman when we complete the readoption). Anyway, we are now one-step closer to finishing our adoption-related obligations (apart from the once yearly reports that we will complete until Truman turns 18). And really, these 'obligations' are nothing compared to what we have gained - our perfect son who has completed our family and brings us endless joy each and every day!!!
Thought you all might enjoy seeing the pictures we sent in with the post-placement:

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