The first day we got there, as soon as we walked down to the beach (our rental house was only a 3 minute walk to the beach!) Truman became kind of scared, which is very unusual for him. He quickly demanded that Mommy hold him, and then proceeded to bury his head into my shoulder and basically wouldn't look up until we left the beach!

Truman did, however, instantly love the rental house! He clearly felt right at home, and was quickly pulling out all of his toys and books to play with (by the way, how cute are these PJ's that Grandma B bought??)

The next day was filled with a fun day at the beach (where Truman once again avoided the water, but did enjoy the sand), followed by a night of getting Grandma and Grandpa Simmons to read to him!

On our third day, we made a trip to the local aquarium - and oh boy did Truman love it! I mean, he didn't care that much about the fish, but he seriously ran laps around that place! We all estimated that by the time we left Truman had probably run about 2 miles - it was crazy.

Truman also found time for some sweet snuggles with Grandma B at the aquarium.

The aquarium was located on the shore of the sound, and it was absolutely beautiful out there!

To be continued...
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