Last weekend Grandpa Bernard came down to visit, and we all had a blast! Probably our two favorite events of the weekend were our visits to the water park and the Natural Science Center.
As usual, Truman had a great time at the water park. For the most part we all just hung out in the water, walking around. Then, right when we were about to leave, Truman ran over to the area where water spouts up from the ground and started making friends with some other kiddos - it was super cute. He especially liked laughing with a little girl about his age. He's a real charmer!

The Natural Science Center was neat because there is an outdoor zoo area as well as a large, indoor area where Truman could run around and play. When we were outside, Truman had fun looking at tigers and crazy, huge anteaters:

He thought it was hilarious when he threw his toy on the ground and made Daddy pick it up:

They also had a neat "water show" that Truman enjoyed - he kept laughing whenever the water spouted up:

On our way inside we passed by a peacock - it was pretty neat:

Once inside, Truman loved just running around and seeing all the sights. Some of his favorites included the giant nose that made a sneezing noise if you put your hand under it and the large kids play area:

Finally, we all had fun just hanging around the house. All in all, it was a great visit!