Daddy pushing baby:

Grandma Bernard with the boys:

Sleeping baby:

One morning we were lucky enough to spot a pod of dolphins (by the way, did you know that a group of dolphins is called a pod? I just learned that!). Unfortunately, we didn't have the zoom lens with us to get good pictures, but here's a blurry one of a dolphin's tale:

Everyday that we were at the beach, Truman became more and more comfortable with the sounds and sights. By Thursday, he was ready to swim in the ocean! We all went out to the beach, expecting Truman to once again be wary of getting near the water. We put him down, expecting him to ask Mommy to pick him up immediately (as he had been doing every other day), but instead he started running right for the water! It was so funny. He ran straight into the water and didn't look back. We had to hold him back before he got to deep in, and he loved every second of it! He was laughing and smiling and it was awesome :-)

Truman also enjoyed hanging out at the pool at Grandma and Grandpa Simmon's hotel. Our boy loves the water!!!

One final memory of our trip involved our sweet puppy, Oskar. I'm not sure if I'm mentioned it very often, but Truman loves Oskar. He thinks that Oskar is very silly. Lately, he's been learning how to play with Oskar. While we were hanging out one night at our beach cottage, Truman picked up Oskar's toy and started playing with him - we were all cracking up! Eventually, Oskar wanted to stop but Truman wasn't done and just kept pushing Oskar's toy in his face - it was too cute!

And so ended a busy, exhausting week at the beach, with fun had by all!

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