Party #3 happened at the same park as party #1. We didn't actually take many photos of this party - just this quick one of Grandma B helping Truman get a drink from his red solo cup (which Shea & I did not realize is some kind of popular country music song - Grandma B started singing the song while we looked at her like she was an alien, until the other party goers confirmed it was a real song :-)

Party #4 took place at a local play zone - I'm not really sure how to describe the place except to say it was big, loud, and had tons of inflatable areas for kids to jump on. While at first Truman was a bit overwhelmed by the noise (I am not exaggerating when I say it was incredibly loud - like difficult to hear the person next to you talk), but he quickly adjusted after finding some balls to bounce around. While he never ventured into the true play areas, he liked running around on the squishy floors while throwing the balls. And in the party zone, he was able to try his first Pringle - which, not surprisingly, he enjoyed immensely:

ReplyDeletemy name is Brittany and my family is adopting a two children from Africa. I found your blog from http://jandvnix.blogspot.com/ and have looked through it some. Your son is very, very cute!