Saturday, August 4, 2012

Beach Trip: Post 1

After spending a few days in NY, we drove up to Maine for a week long vacation with Grandma Bernard and Uncle Steve. While most people think we're crazy to have gotten in a car for 7 hours with a 2 year old after having driven 10 hours with him just days before, we are crazy lucky that our sweet boy is a great traveler. And he didn't disappoint - he was great on the entire ride! People also think it's crazy that we live in North Carolina and travel 17+ hours to go to a beach in Maine - but there's just something about Maine that we have always loved and I have a feeling we'll be visiting there for many years to come! Maine is just so incredibly relaxing and we're so glad we made the trip.

Anyway, I took a TON of pictures on our trip so I'm going to have to break it up into several posts. On our first day in Maine we settled into our rental and then headed down to the beach. We weren't really sure how Truman would react. Last year when we went to the Outer Banks, Truman was pretty much terrified of the ocean when he first saw it (even though it was his 2nd trip there). Then when we went to Virginia Beach earlier this year he was pretty much indifferent. Well, this time, he LOVED it! As soon as we got to the sand, he started laughing and was ready to run. We put a swimmie on him (a diaper made for swimming) and he just sprinted for the water, all while laughing and squealing in delight. It was  incredibly cute. We had to keep a close eye on him because he was ready to go into the ocean as deep as possible.

Here's some of the pictures we took that night:


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