Tonight we had a great get together will all of our immediate family members in New York - a sort of farewell before leaving for Ethiopia. It was so nice to be able to see everyone and to hear about everyone's excitement about Truman! Lately, Shea and I have been so focused on the details of preparing for our trip (what to pack, getting vaccines, finding daycare for when we come home, getting our documents ready, etc.) that sometimes our joy has gotten put on the back burner, so it was great to put our worries away for a bit and just focus on the fact that in less than a week we will be meeting our son! The support from our families throughout this process has definitely been amazing. When we began this process, we weren't sure how everyone would feel about it (starting your family through adoption is definitely a road less traveled) but everyone is 100% thrilled and very anxious and excited to meet our little guy. He will definitely be surrounded by love. Here's some pics of the shindig.
Mingling (that's Grandpa Bigsby's back):

Us with Truman's great-grandparents:

Truman's great-gradmothers:

Truman's grandmothers and uncles:

Uncle Matthew relaxing:

And Grandpa Bernard:

On a different note, I am having some anxiety about leaving my dog for 5 weeks. Some of you may laugh, but he is definitely like a child to me and I know I am going to have major separation anxiety when we have to drive away tomorrow back to North Carolina without him. He just brings such joy to our lives. But obviously we are leaving him for a very good cause and I am sure that when I am in Ethiopia I will be so in love with my son that nothing else will matter, but right now it feels hard to think about not having Oskar around. At least we know he will be well taken care of here in New York. (And yes, we are also leaving Sophie here, but we know she can take care of herself - cats are good that way!)
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