I feel bad that we haven't mentioned our wonderful animal friends lately! Sure, you've probably seen Oskar and Sophie milling about in the background in many of our pictures and videos, but we haven't given them a good
mentioning in a while. Well, for those of you wondering, our pets are doing great! Oskar immediately warmed to Truman upon meeting him (and vice versa). Whenever Truman wakes up from a nap, Oskar runs upstairs and wants to be the first one in the room to greet our little boy. He's also, however, equally excited when Truman goes down for a nap because that means snuggle time with mama! Sophie, on the other hand, was very aloof when we Truman first arrived. She would only come visit us when Truman was sleeping, and if he was awake she would walk through the room as though Truman were invisible to her (such a cat thing to do!). Since then, she has definitely warmed up to him. She now comes down whenever she pleases and will come to us for loving even if we are playing with or reading to Truman. One night we forgot to turn on our baby monitor, and apparently Truman started crying but we could not hear, so Sophie scratched at our door until we got up and helped out Truman - isn't that sweet? (sure, she probably only did it because she was annoyed by Truman's crying, but we'll pretend she did it because she loves him). But yes, overall, everything is going wonderfully, and the transition with our animal babies is great - thank goodness! Here are some pictures of our "first-borns"