Today we decided to hit up our city's holiday parade. Once again, it was really chilly, so we got all bundled up and went to see the show. Let me tell you, we were very impressed! They had huge balloons, tons of marching bands, and lots of floats. And then, about 30 minutes in, it started to snow! It was so magical to be out and about enjoying the holiday season and then watch as the first snow of the season started dropping from the sky. At first, Truman wasn't so sure about the cold, wet substance, but as is usual with our happy boy, within minutes he decided that snow is pretty cool and had some fun laughing at it falling down. Here are some pictures from our day.
The parade:

Truman enjoying the parade:

The first snowflake to ever touch our boy (it's on his shoulder) :-)

Truman enjoying the snow with Daddy:

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