Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Eating Peas

Lately we've been trying to introduce Truman to more and more solid foods (yes, we've been a little slow with it but when we tried about a month ago he was pretty unwilling to try new textures). Happily, in the last couple of weeks Truman has really started to enjoy the new foods. He's been eating small cut up fruits (like peaches, pears, cantaloupe, etc.) and has been starting to get into small vegetables, too. Tonight we decided to try peas and he LOVED them! At first he just smushed them with his finger, but then he started picking them up and seemed to really enjoy them. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. You capture everything so wonderfully! What a happy little guy. So cute him walking too. I can hear him now, cracking up as he is running around the house!!
