Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Little Bit About Truman

As we mentioned yesterday, Truman is doing wonderful with his transition to the States. We thought we would give you all an update on where Truman's at right now with his development.

Things Truman can do:
-Roll from front-to-back and back-to-front with ease - he recently starting rolling in a series in one direction all the way across the room
-Sit unassisted for up to 15 seconds using his hands to support him
-Stand up unassisted while holding onto the couch - he also loves to stand while holding onto our hands
-Assisted walking - if we hold Truman and help him "walk", he lifts his legs high and takes big boy steps
-Babble like crazy! Seriously, this boy loves to talk!
-Hold onto things with a super-strong grip (especially his mommy's hair!)

Things Truman loves:
-His mommy and daddy!
-His Grandmas (and I'm sure he'll love his Grandpas as soon as he meets them)
-His Exersaucer!!!
-His feet - he loves to grab onto them
-His swing (but only for about 2 minutes at a time)
-Peeing on daddy during diaper changes (never mommy though)
-Spitting up on mommy (never daddy though)
-Being outside - he loves going on walks in both his Ergo carrier and his stroller
-His dog - Truman loves to grab at Oskar
-Hair - definitely his favorite thing to grab onto
-Any toy that makes noise
-TV - we can't watch TV around him because he seems way too into it
-Baths - we were happy to discover how much Truman loves the water - he just sits in his tub and kicks!
-Teething toys - we are expecting his first tooth soon!
-Tickling - it makes him laugh like crazy
-Dr. Seuss - especially the Alphabet Book

Things Truman does not like:
-Having to wait more than 1 second for food
-Goodnight Moon - we've tried reading it to him 3 times and he cried each time

Here are some cute pictures of our boy!

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