Today was a day of seconds around our house: My second day back at work, Truman's second day of daycare, and the emergence of Truman's second tooth! First off, I want to say that Day 2 of our new routine was so much better than Day 1! (and thank you all for the kind emails, phone calls, and facebook messages!) Truman and Mommy both did better with Day 2. I think part of what helped for Truman was that his daycare had music day today (and every Tuesday), and he LOVES music! His teachers said that he had so much fun playing instruments and listening to the music, which didn't surprise us one bit. We were also told that Truman already has a girlfriend (what a flirt!) and he's starting to learn how to move more by watching his friend (who is a bit older than him). Shea and I are both taking comfort in the fact that Truman is learning a ton and having fun in the process! As long as baby is happy, us parents are happy, too!
When we got home, we realized that Truman's second tooth had finally broken through (after about 2 weeks of slowly trying to be set free). Here are some adorable pics of his two teeth!

After showing us his new tooth, Truman decided that he wanted to tell us all about his fun day while showing off his new "scooting" moves. Enjoy one of our new favorite videos (and yes, it's another long one - there's just too much cuteness!) :-)
Well, That was just too cute for words!! Matthew got sad and said "I wish they lived closer." I can so relate to the daycare feelings. I always struggled with that. It will get easier, but it sure is a tug at the heart. Love all of you, Mom