Growth: Truman now weighs 25lbs 4oz (which is at the 75th percentile) and is 30 inches tall (which is at the 50th percentile). He just seems to be a really solid, dense little guy! At daycare he looks like he is the same size as his friends, but when you pick him up you realized that he weighs a whole lot more :-)
Language: Truman's receptive language is quite impressive, if I do say so myself! Truman is constantly learning words for all of his favorite activities. Like if we ask Truman if he wants to read, he'll either look to his books or crawl over and get one. If we say "Let's bounce the ball", he'll get his red sensory ball and bounce it (which is he is getting really good at! The other day I swear he actually was throwing it to Shea). Over the winter holiday, Truman learned who Grandma was. When Grandma Bernard came to visit this weekend, as soon as he woke up we said "Where's Grandma B, Truman?" and he looked right at her! (Good memory!). Also, if we ask him to come over to where we are, he will often comply (if he's not doing something more interesting at the time :-) Expressively, Truman has started saying "Daddy" and meaning it. In fact, he often calls out for his Daddy. A couple of days ago for the first time he said "Hi Daddy" while looking right at Shea. Truman still doesn't quite have "Momma" down, but he's working on it! He often says "nanana" and sometimes goes "mmm" so I think he's getting close. He tries to say dog for Oskar, but it usually comes out like "Dah!" (you can hear it in the video I posted earlier with him laughing at Oskar).
Motor Skills: As you've seen from the videos, Truman is a walking boy! Over the past few days, Truman has started to choose to walk places rather than crawl, which is really exciting to see. He's also becoming a pro at waving hi and bye, and still loves to clap. In terms of fine motor skills, his pincher grasp is outstanding and he has started using his index finger to push the buttons on his toys rather than just hitting his toys with his whole hand and hoping he gets a button in the process :-) Truman is also working on turning the pages in his board books.
Social: Truman is becoming a very social little boy. At daycare, he has really blossomed and loves interacting with the other babies. Everyday that I come to pick him up in the afternoon, I hear a story about a different game he was playing with another child. He loves having long conversations with his buddy M (apparently they just talk and laugh together all day!) and he likes to play peek-a-boo with another little friend. When Truman plays outside, apparently all the children in the 1's room are really drawn to him and stay close to him. At home, Truman is starting to enter the separation anxiety faze. He is very attached to Mommy and Daddy (yay!), though this sometimes means that he gets upset when one of them has to leave the room. This weekend when he felt sick all he wanted was for Mommy to hold him all day long. Truman is also starting to get shy with unknown adults, and will bury his head into Mommy and Daddy if he's nervous. Truman continues to be a love bug with his parents, and will sometimes give kisses when asked (though most of the time if we ask for a kiss he just turns his head a little and keeps it really still until we kiss his cheek, which is also adorable!).
Eating: We're continuing to introduce Truman to more and more solid foods. He seems to like the taste of the foods, though is a little texture-sensitive about picking them up. Our doctor suggested we get him a spoon made for babies to hold and let him try (which I think he'll enjoy!). We switched entirely from formula to whole-milk, and he's loving it! We've also started pushing the sippy cup over the bottle, and after about 7 months of working on it he's finally understanding the sippy cup - woohoo!
Sleeping: Truman now sleeps through the night 95% of the time. If he does wake up, it's typically because his diaper leaked and he's feeling cold. He still takes 2 naps a day, though they vary in length depending on if he's home or at daycare (he had trouble sleeping at daycare sometimes - there' just too much going on!).
Activities: Truman's favorite activity, by far, is reading. He still constantly asks us to read books to him - usually by either waving a book around or by bringing one over to us. If we start reading one of his books outloud while he is in a different part of the room, he will come racing over and crawl right into our laps to get ready to read. He's getting pretty interactive with the books, and will sometimes repeat sounds he hears us read or will talk to his favorite characters in his books. Truman also still loves the outdoors. There is something about it that just calms him down. We've started taking him for walks with him strapped to our backs in the Ergo and he loves it! He talks the entire time. We are still doing swim lessons every Saturday and he continues to enjoy the water. We're still pretty insistent about Truman not watching any TV, and that's going really well, too. By the time we get home from daycare, eat dinner, play, read, and take a bath, there's no time for silly things like TV!
So that's a little summary of our amazing little boy. And because you were persistent and made it all the way through this long post, I'll reward you with these cute pictures of T! :-)

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