Today was a big day at the Bernard-Bigsby household - for the first time ever, Truman said "Mama"! And he didn't just say it once, he said it all day long, usually while looking straight at his proud mama :-) Then tonight at dinner, we were feeding Truman scrambled eggs for the first time and I turned to Shea and said "I think he likes it", and I kid you not Truman said "I like it". Shea and I just looked at each other in astonishment - it was truly weird. While we couldn't get him to repeat the phrase, it's fun how he is really starting to imitate our speech. (This was the second time we've ever heard him string together more than one word - a couple of weeks ago he said "Hi Daddy"). After dinner, we skyped a bit with Grandma Bernard (we are just learning how to skype - I'll post more about that later!) and Grandma B blew Truman a kiss, and then he puckered his beautiful little lips and kissed towards the screen - so sweet! Everyday Truman is growing by leaps and bounds, and watching him is truly the joy of our lives!!!
Welcome to our blog! We started this blog in order to stay more in touch with family and friends, especially as we make our way through our Ethiopian adoption journey. For those who don't know, Shea is currently getting his PhD in English and Alison is a school psychologist with a local school district. We are loving life with our little boy!
April - October 2009 - Began thinking about adding a child to our family and started looking into different programs and agencies October 30 - Submitted application to WACAP & Nathanson Homestudy Services November 4 - Accepted into WACAP's program (and so the paperchase begins!) November 7 - Accepted by Nathanson November 12- 1st Homestudy Visit November 17 - 2nd Homestudy Visit November 24 - 3rd (and final!) Homestudy Visit November 25 - All reference letters received November 27 - Mailed I-600A Application to USCIS December 20 - Homestudy complete and sent to WACAP December 21 - Welcome phonecall with WACAP - officially in Ethiopian program January 6 - Fingerprints Completed January 11 - Received 171H! Officially on waitlist!! May 5 - Referral!!!! (shock, happiness, pure joy!) June 15 - Received court date for July 1st! July 1 - Court Date - Truman Bekalu is legally our child! This is also the date we took custody of Truman July 27 - Embassy Date July 30 - Home Forever! September 24 - Received official US Certificate of Citzenship October 20 - First Post-Placement Meeting January 13 - Second Post-Placement Meeting August 31 - Third (and final!) Post-Placement Meeting
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