Our boy is bananas for bananas! (yes, we know that is extremely corny, but we couldn't resist!) Anyway, a couple of days ago we introduced bananas to Truman and he loves them. He can eat an entire half-banana in one sitting and then still want more. Today we tried to give him a little rice cereal and a little banana. Well, it quickly became clear which was his favorite. He ate the banana up quick and then kept looking for more. Here's how his meal went:
"Any more bananas in that blue bowl?"

"Let me take a closer look"

"Maybe I can get just one more bite out of it!"

Here's Truman after his meal was finished, satisfied as can be!:
You should mix the bananas and the cereal. Then he will want to eat the cereal because it tastes like bananas. The cereal is so good for them. Trick him into it.