Things Truman can do:
-Roll from front-to-back and back-to-front with ease - he recently starting rolling in a series in one direction all the way across the room
-Sit unassisted for up to 15 seconds using his hands to support him
-Stand up unassisted while holding onto the couch - he also loves to stand while holding onto our hands
-Assisted walking - if we hold Truman and help him "walk", he lifts his legs high and takes big boy steps
-Babble like crazy! Seriously, this boy loves to talk!
-Hold onto things with a super-strong grip (especially his mommy's hair!)
Things Truman loves:
-His mommy and daddy!
-His Grandmas (and I'm sure he'll love his Grandpas as soon as he meets them)
-His Exersaucer!!!
-His feet - he loves to grab onto them
-His swing (but only for about 2 minutes at a time)
-Peeing on daddy during diaper changes (never mommy though)
-Spitting up on mommy (never daddy though)
-Being outside - he loves going on walks in both his Ergo carrier and his stroller
-His dog - Truman loves to grab at Oskar
-Hair - definitely his favorite thing to grab onto
-Any toy that makes noise
-TV - we can't watch TV around him because he seems way too into it
-Baths - we were happy to discover how much Truman loves the water - he just sits in his tub and kicks!
-Teething toys - we are expecting his first tooth soon!
-Tickling - it makes him laugh like crazy
-Dr. Seuss - especially the Alphabet Book
Things Truman does not like:
-Having to wait more than 1 second for food
-Goodnight Moon - we've tried reading it to him 3 times and he cried each time
Here are some cute pictures of our boy!
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