Then, Grandpa Bernard joined in on the fun on Saturday. We were able to pick him up at the airport. Here are some pics of Grandpa Bernard meeting Truman for the first time:
Throughout the weekend, Truman was able to get to spend a lot of quality time getting to know his grandparents!
We were also all able to enjoy some delicious meals together. Our favorite was going to Natty Greene's where we were able to sit outside. Our timing was perfect in that Truman slept while we ate:
Then he woke up just in time to watch the trains going by:
After lunch we were able to go for a walk downtown. Truman LOVED being held by Grandpa Bernard - he just laid down his head and enjoyed the ride!
We were also able to enjoy the small park that was added to our city several years ago. It's so nice to have some "greenery" in the midst of the concrete!
All in all, it was a very nice weekend!
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