Yes, that's right, we, along with every other parent in the world, would like to take a minute to discuss how fast our baby is growing up. Right before we left for Ethiopia at the end of June we were given an updated measurement for Truman saying that he weighed 12lbs. As of 3 days ago he now weighs 16.5lbs. That's right, 4.5lbs gained in about 6 weeks. And yesterday we were forced to raise the legs on his Exersaucer because he has grown too tall for the first level. Did we also mention that he no longer fits into any of the size 6 month clothing that we have (and that he was almost too small for in the beginning of July) and that his size 9 month clothing is already starting to get a bit tight? Well, we should qualify that statement - the size 9 month onesies are getting a bit tight while the size 9 month pants are still a mile too long - apparently our boy has a big torso! I guess we'd better get some pictures of him in his cutest clothes before they are no longer usable! Also, Truman's language appears to be growing. Everyday Truman's babbling sounds more and more like real words. Alison swears that today Truman said "Hey" to her :-)
In terms of grabbing, Truman loves to grab anything within reach, and then immediately stick it into his mouth for inspection. We've had some close calls with poopy diapers and Oskar's toys. At the grocery store today, Truman helped out his mom by closely looking over each item she picked up before allowing it into our cart. Truman also continues to develop his love for hair, which is definitely his favorite object to grab. Unfortunately for Oskar, this also applies to dog hair. We're definitely going to have to work on that dilemma in the future. And sadly, his love of grabbing also applies to earrings, which means no more hoops for mom!
To better illustrate Truman's growth and grabbing, here are some lovely pictures of the little fellow!
Here he is in his big boy high chair (and notice him grabbing onto one of his new favorite toys):

Truman enjoying holding onto his toy:

Grabbing onto mommy for support:

And here he is just being generally adorable:

Congratulations to you both! How wonderful and exciting. And what a super cutie!!! I'm sure he's putting his best and cutest face forward in these glam shots, but he is adorable! Can't wait to meet him sometime soon. Good luck and best wishes. Rachel
ReplyDeleteWow! He has grown up so much! I can't believe he is already standing up!