Friday, October 1, 2010
3 Months United!
Today marks 3 months of being a forever family (we took custody of Truman Bekalu on July 1st in Ethiopia). While in same ways it feels like just days ago that we met our boy, it also feels as though we have always known him. When I think about how Truman has handled this tough start to life that he has been given, I feel so proud. Maybe that sounds strange to be proud of a 7-month old boy, but that's exactly how I feel when I think about our son. I feel so proud about how calmly he has handled the HUGE transition from birthmother to orphanage to transition house to MVP of the Bernard-Bigsby family. I feel proud how when we first met Truman he could not roll over and now he can roll in a line across the room, scoot backwards like a champ, turn 360 degrees if the mood suits him, and even take up to 3 steps while holding onto something for balance. I feel proud that while he used to often require a pacifier to calm himself down now if we give him one he chews on it for a second before taking it out, examining it, and putting it down in favor of a better toy. I feel proud that we used to need to swaddle Truman quite tight in order for him to be calm and sleep but now, more times than not, he prefers to hangout in his crib for a bit before quietly talking himself to sleep. I feel proud that while when we first took Truman out and about to run errands he would get overwhelmed very easily and become very quiet but yesterday at the doctors he was the loudest kid in the waiting room, talking, laughing, and telling stories. I feel proud that while when Truman used to get upset he would require a bottle to calm down now all he needs is a minute or two of his Mom or Pa rocking him before he feels better. I feel proud that while it used to be difficult for Truman to coordinate just picking up a toy, now he can pass one back and forth in his hands, bang it against his leg or other objects to make fun noises, or throw it all the way across the room if he feels like it. I feel proud that while he used to be a bit reserved and cry only when he was hungry or tired (seriously, he once had a 101 degree fever and ear infection and hardly made a peep), he's now opening up and will let us know if he's not feeling well or he's mad about not getting his way (like when he wanted to play with my diet coke can but wasn't allowed so threw a little fit). Most of all I feel proud, honored, and humbled by the love and trust that our little boy has been willing to give his Mommy and Daddy. I mean it when I say that every day that we get to spend with Truman feels like a gift - we just feel so lucky to have this very special boy in our lives! We love you, baby!!!

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