Friday, November 5, 2010


The main theme around our house for the past few weeks has been "illness". Almost immediately after starting daycare, Truman came home with a cold (which we pretty much expected would happen). Shea quickly caught the bug, and then days later I also had it. About a week ago it seemed like we were all on the mend, before suddenly I developed a pretty bad cough and, surprise surprise, I had bronchitis (I guess it's a yearly tradition now?). Well, pretty soon after that Shea's cold came back stronger and then Truman started getting all sniffly again. We ended up taking Sweet T to the doctor on Wednesday just to make sure he was okay (when we found out I had bronchitis we wanted to rule out anything serious with our little fellow). Luckily, he was given the all-clear. Today he seems better (though still snotty) while Shea continues to be snuffly and I continue with my heavy cough. Oh well, maybe someday we'll all be well again...

In the meantime, this little face is keeping us smiling :-)

1 comment:

  1. I swear that we are twin families that just live in different states! B brought something home from preschool and I caught it. Yes - I have bronchitis (finally went to the dr after 12 days) and yes, a YEARLY tradition for me too! I've had it at least once the past 3 years! I learned that once you get it, it's common for you to keep getting it.

    Anyways, I then took B to the dr. to rule everything else out - just like you! haha. He was fine and now Josh is getting sick again. Seriously though - our families have a lot in common! :)
