Anyway, we were lucky enough to have Grandma Bernard and Uncle Steve come visit us in NC for Thanksgiving. This happened to be the first time that Steve has met the newest addition to the family, and we were all so excited! Grandma and Uncle Steve were supposed to arrive together on Wednesday, but due to some plane complications (what else is new?) Grandma arrived a bit later in the day. Anyway, the first meeting between uncle and nephew happened while Truman was asleep, but we decided to document the moment nonetheless!
Soon our Sweet T was awake and a proper introduction could occur! It was so great for the boys to finally meet.
Not too much later, Grandma Bernard arrived and was able to join in on the family fun - which, of course, included Truman's new favorite activity - clapping!
Thanksgiving day turned out to be wonderful - Truman was a bit sick to his tummy but he was in a good mood regardless. We all had a great meal and enjoyed some wonderful family time. (Unfortunately, most of the pictures we took are still on Grandma Bernard's camera - hopefully I can add more pictures soon).
Friday morning is when things really started to go downhill. First off, Truman continued to poop up a storm, and soon Grandma Bernard and myself weren't feeling so hot, either. Within hours, we were both out of commission for the rest of the day and unfortunately our family time was cut short. Grandma ended up leaving Saturday morning still not feeling great. Luckily, she got home quickly and was able to rest up in the comfort of her own home. Uncle Steve stayed until Sunday afternoon and was able to squeeze in more quality time with Truman. Our little boy just LOVED playing with Steve's beard - so cute!
So all in all, the trip had some ups and downs, but overall we were so thankful to have the family together even if for a short time. Hopefully we will all stay well and healthy during winter break!
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