Height/Weight: Last Friday we had Truman's 9-month doctor appointment. Last time we went he was 80th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for height. Well, he has evened out! He is now 80th percentile for weight (22lbs 13oz) and 75th percentile for height (28-3/4 inches). He's our big, big boy! Everything at the check-up went well, though he had to get another 4 shots (poor guy!), but he took them like a champ :-)
Teeth: Truman now has 3 teeth! Last Wednesday #3 broke through - it's his top middle left tooth. His top middle right is also VERY close to presenting itself.
Food: We have added a few foods to Truman's repertoire, including yogurt (one of his new favorite foods!), tofu (we just throw 1oz cubes of it into veggies or fruits to add protein), couscous (he loved it!) blueberries, green beans, and banana puffs. He continues to enjoy every food we present, which is definitely a good thing. This week we're going to introduce some turkey for Thanksgiving - we'll let you know how it goes!
Movement: He can now pull up on anything and everything in sight. Cruising is old-hat, and he can take steps from one object to the other while cruising. He's also learned how to turn corners on furniture when cruising and can bend down to retrieve a dropped object while continuing his grip on the furniture, then pull himself back up one-handed. His crawling speed increases daily! His favorite things to crawl after are his beloved dog and cat :-) When in his walker, he totally understands how to move it around and will now follow Mommy around while she cooks, continually ramming into my feet and legs over and over again - so cute (and painful)!
Language: It seems like everyday Truman uses a new sound in his speech. So far we have heard da's, ga's, aah's, ooh's, la's, ha's, wa's and two distinct ma's. No noticeable words yet - well, he sometimes says "Daddy" but we don't think he is purposefully using the word :-) Truman is also really big on songs - his personal favorites are "This little piggy" and "Patty-cake" - he loves the anticipation of them and gets so excited when it's time for the little piggy to go "weee" all the way home :-) He continues be a big clapper to express his happiness, and has even started to clap "hi" - when we say hi and wave to him he claps at us - adorable!
Daycare: His love for daycare continues to grow! Everyday when he arrives, he laughs at other children and gets excited to go find his favorite toys. His teachers keep telling us that he is such a pleasant, fun little guy - once they told us he was the easiest baby to take care of because he's so happy all of the time! He continues to be very social with the other babies, and has now caused 2 little girls to cry by having to leave for the day (seriously, on two separate occasions two different little girls have started to cry as soon as we picked up Sweet T to leave).
So yes, everything continues to go wonderfully in our lives! Everyday is a gift and we are so thankful :-)
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